In 10 countries that include the US and Japan, there are “more Google searches taking place on mobile devices than computers.” Who says so, well Google.
So if “ lead generation ” is important to your business, and you do not know how to market to the mobile. Well, you do not know how to drive opportunities effectively into your business anymore. In 2019 the mobile is life and blood or your marketing success or failure. This is lead generation in a mobile search world.
I believe there are three main themes that will define 2022 when it comes to marketing and advertising.
1. Our collective move from traditional and friction-based business models and traditional media. To frictionless, and socially curated media
2. "Mobile is now the first screen" I have said it before and I will say it again
3. Visual and video-based content matters more now than in any preceding period in marketing
Lead generation is critical to every business. You always need more coming into the funnel, than leaving the funnel.
However, think about the implication now, if your website is not mobile-friendly, fast or frictionless.
Depending on your demographic, or target market, you could be excluding over 60% of your potential leads.
If you have not embraced social media advertising, which is “responsive” or mobile-friendly. You are not advertising to the device that people are using. In Australia alone, there are now 22 million smartphones. And of the 2.41 billion monthly active users on Facebook, 9 million use mobile.
Understanding the problem.
I make the assumption that lead generation is important to every business. If faced with the above scenario of not having a mobile-friendly website, what would I do?
The first thing I would do is look at my “Google Analytics” data and determine how much of my existing traffic was mobile. I would also assess my demographic information.
The demographic information will let you know the age bracket of your target market. From this, you can determine how much of an issue attracting new leads may be in the future.
Or to put this another way. If your demographic is between 25 to 34. Not only are your existing users having a bad experience on your site, but new lead generation is also going to be impacted. The user will bounce from your site quickly or not even see it. Statistically never to return.
Based on the above data, you now know how much of a problem this is for you when it comes to lead generation.
Once you understand how much of an issue this is for you and your brand, you will then know how quickly you need to take action.
Fixing the problem
The next step should be to identify the social media platforms your target market is using.
What methods you can use to attract new leads on these platforms. And what platforms you can drive new leads too.
This could include landing pages, content hubs, or inbound marketing platforms. Many, many options exist for any brand or company that finds itself in this situation. However, the option to do nothing has long passed every brand and organisation by. Fortunately, the rapid change we are seeing is also opening up new paths and technologies any brand can take advantage of.
In the short term, this will ensure continuous lead generation in a time of rapid and disruptive change. In the long term, this will enable your business to market where the market is.