Facebook Premieres:
Facebook is at it again with a new set of marketing tools headed your way. What started last year in its BETA version has recently gone public for all Facebook accounts. Facebook Premiere is going to knock the socks of the marketing world. With Facebook Stories and Facebook Live becoming increasingly popular, the addition of Facebook Premiere takes personal video to the next level. This program will allow you to schedule unique video content to air at a certain time on your Facebook page and gives you the ability to interact more freely with your audience while the video plays.
What does it do?
Facebook Premieres lets you schedule your personal and business related videos as Live moments. Then, your followers can like and comment on your video in real time even if you aren't physically present. This if different from Facebook's wildly popular live streaming videos because you can prerecord, edit, adjust and fine-tune your video before setting it up to premiere at a certain time. Not only that but, because the video is prerecorded you will be able to respond to and interact with your audience's comments during the video more freely than you could if you were broadcasting live.
Once your broadcast has ended your Premiere video will be saved on your page where your audience can view it on demand again later.
How do you do it?
Premieres are easy to schedule using Facebook's user-friendly platform as long as you are sure to schedule your video at least ten minutes in advance. You're simply going to click on the "share video" option on the page you want your Premiere to be broadcast from. From there, you can quickly fill in the fields regarding the start time you would like to publish your video.
Your audience will receive notification that you have scheduled a Premiere broadcast and even receive reminders before your video is scheduled to play.
You can schedule your videos up to seven days in advance, then, as your video gets close to the beginning, your viewers will see a 3-minute countdown. This boosts excitement about your page, allows your audience to interact with your material ahead of time, and gives you control over when and how your followers see your material.
Why you need Facebook Premiere in your digital marketing toolbox:
When you are utilizing Premiere, the goal of using this service is about generating excitement about your brand and enticing users to tune in, together. Whilst providing all the characteristics of Facebook live, it also allows you to present a well constructed planned video format. This is a desirable outcome because it creates a community around your brand and the material you are sharing. Your entire audience can be watching the same thing, at the same time, while you are doing something else. Not only does this save you time, but it also connects your users on a personal level.
One really great feature that Premiere offers is that your viewers are able to simply click a button to subscribe to notifications about your content launch. This means you are able to start promoting the link to your scheduled Premiere well ahead of its debut and also link it across all your social media platforms.
If you have been wanting to try out Facebook Live, but getting in front of the camera is nerve-wracking, or, if you don't like how unpolished Facebook Live is—you're going to LOVE Facebook Premieres.
By having the opportunity to polish your performance and edit your videos before you post them you will be able to have a more seamless performance and still reach the audience you're looking for with the benefit of the live interaction that audiences crave.
If you have any questions about how to implement these features on your account or you would like more help growing your business through social media, contact us today.